AutoCAD import solidwork model

AutoCAD นำเข้าไฟล์ 3D Solidwork อื่นๆ
What file formats can AutoCAD import?

Autodesk Support

Mar 3, 2023


What are the file formats that AutoCAD can import?


The following formats are available for import into AutoCAD.
FormatDescriptionRelated commandAutoCAD LT?AutoCAD for Mac?
3D Studio (*.3ds)3D Studio files.3DSINNoNo
ACIS (*.sat)ACIS solid object files.ACISINNoYes
Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt), (*.iam)Autodesk Inventor part and assembly filesIMPORTNoNo
Note: Supported only on 64 -bit systems.
CATIA V4 (*.model; *.session; *.exp; *.dlv3)CATIA® V4 model, session and export files.IMPORTNoNo
CATIA V5 (*.CATPart; *.CATProduct)CATIA® V5 part and assembly files.IMPORTNoNo
DGN (*.dgn), including DGN files with user-specified file extensions such as.sed for seed filesMicroStation DGN files.DGNIMPORTYesNo
DXB (*.dxb)Drawing Interchange BinaryDXBINNoYes
IGES (*.iges; *.igs)IGES files.IGESIMPORTNoNo
JT (*.ij)JT files.IMPORTNoNo
Parasolid (*.x_b)Parasolid binary files.IMPORTNoNo
Parasolid (*.x_t)Parasolid text files.IMPORTNoNo
PDF (*.pdf)Portable Document Format files.PDFIMPORTYesYes
Pro/ENGINEER (*.prt*; *.asm*)Pro/ENGINEER® part and assembly filesIMPORTNoNo
Pro/ENGINEER Granite (*.g)Granite files generated by Pro/ENGINEER.IMPORTNoNo
Pro/ENGINEER Neutral (*.neu)Granite neutral files generated by Pro/ENGINEER .IMPORTNoNo
Rhino (*.3dm)Rhinoceros® model files.IMPORTNoNo
SolidWorks (*.prt; *.sldprt; *.asm; *.sldasm)SolidWorks® part and assembly files.IMPORTNoNo
Metafile (*.wmf)Microsoft Windows ® Metafiles.WMFINYesNo
STEP (*.ste; *.stp; *.step):STEP files.IMPORTNoNo

How to use Solidworks files in AutoCAD

Autodesk Support

Nov 15, 2022

Products and versions covered


How to convert or import a Solidworks file into AutoCAD.


Do either of the following:  
  • Import the Solidworks file directly into AutoCAD.
    1. On the command line in AutoCAD, type IMPORT.
    2. In the Import File dialog window, click the Files of type drop-down menu and select Solidworks (*.prt; *.sldprt; *.asm; *sldasm).
    3. Find and select the Solidworks file and click Open.
      • Note: After this step, the import is complete.
    4. If the item does not appear in the drawing then right-click and select Insert on the import tray icon.
    5. If needed, on the command line, type INSERT to insert the Solidworks block(s) into the AutoCAD drawing.
  • From Solidworks, export the data to a different file format. See: What file formats can AutoCAD import?.
  • Check for the Latest updates for AutoCAD 2023 & Install pending updates if any.

Note: This option is not available in AutoCAD LT.